Sunday, July 24, 2011

If anyone's still reading this, I owe you an apology.

Well hello again everyone (or perhaps no-one, perhaps this blog will remain as it has been for the past 8 months or so - a barren wasteland devoid of any activity bar the odd tumbleweed shambling across the screen).

As I said in the title, I really must apologise for I have been shockingly remiss in updating the blog since before Christmas. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, 'outside' stuff got in the way and poor bloggy wog was abandoned. I feel especially bad because it saw me through many a night where madness may have overtaken me during the snowy festive season. Really, I think I may owe what's left of my sanity to the dear old blog.

And so, on this reasonably sunny Sunday afternoon, I find myself writing another blog post - my first since mid December, and wouldn't you know it, I'm crippled again. Perhaps this can be a sort of therapy blog, in that I'll only write in it when I'm physically encumbered. Actually that probably wouldn't make much difference cos with the amount of accidents I have I spend a good portion of the year recovering from some sort of injury. If I'm being honest, what I'm suffering from right now isn't really an 'injury' in the true sense of the word, and if it was it would certainly be self inflicted meaning that I wouldn't really be entitled to as much pity as I might hope for. Now some of you may be quite confused right now and wondering what the heck I'm talking about, so for those that don't know, I'm pregnant! Which sorta explains the almost 8 month absence (gestating a child is bloody tiring I'll tell you!). Now it's not pregnancy that has me all crippled, more like a pregnancy related condition which affects my pelvis making things like walking, lying down, sitting down, pretty-much-doing-anything painful! Oh the fun! Aside from that, pregnancy is proving quite enjoyable! So yeah, due on 11th of September and despite what my husband might say, we are NOT naming our child Osama, we're just not. Or Gobnait. In fact, I'm going to choose the name and he will get no say in it, seeing as it's his fault I'm in this situation anyway!

So 'twas a few days after Christmas when I found out (and probably about February before it actually sunk in that I was going to be a mum). Had been feeling a bit funny for a few days and almost just for the craic I decided to take a test. Jaysus, the joke was on me though when the little line appeared! So now our apartment has had many furniture additions, mostly to accommodate very small people who will be totally reliant on us for feeding and getting their stools disposed of. The dog was initially quite confused, and I suspect that she was concerned that she was going to be put in a lot of this miniature furniture, but now she has accepted it's presence. It'll be interesting to see how she reacts to the baby! If anyone knows a good dog trainer who's had any success training spaniels how to prepare bottles and change nappies, I'd be delighted to get in touch with them!!