Monday, December 20, 2010

Functioning kneecaps are, like, totally overrated!

Well as I mentioned in previous entries, I'm currently having a little trouble in the knee department, brought on by a fall in the snow a couple of weeks ago. Initially they thought I'd torn my Cruciate Ligament, but after a couple of visits to the doc and an MRI, they reckon the ligaments are intact, so I was dispatched to physio. Huzzah! Or so I thought.

My first physio session was on Saturday, and it basically involved them trying to assess what was actually wrong with my gammy old knee. Well, after much poking and prodding, they now reckon the problem is with my kneecap, apparently it's too far over to the right. The therapist had to tape it back into the right place, which was almost vomit inducing, and the plan was that I would go back during the following week for more treatment. Oh yes, it was a good plan. Until...............the stupid snow came back.

I mean, I just don't understand it, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people have voiced their dislike of the snow, so you'd think it'd just take the hint and feck off. But oh no, it's back. And like the cantankerous elderly relative that nobody wants to sit beside, it looks like it'll be staying for Christmas. I suppose I can't be entirely mad at my gammy knee, because had it not been for it's gamminess, I would surely have been among the hoards of weary travelers battling their way home through the blizzard this evening. And no doubt I'd also have had to contend with assorted knackers throwing snowballs, as I walked to my apartment.

So maybe the knee injury was a blessing in disguise? Well, lets not go that far, but I suppose things could be worse! The real pain in the arsey bits are being unable to drive (if the snow clears up enough), and not being able to go out and play in the snow. For now, I'll have to make do with Terri the Snow Transvestite, who I built on my bedroom windowledge. Here's a picture of him/her for you all to enjoy.

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